Loterica is a payment method that allows customers to pay for their orders in cash at a local lottery agency in Brazil. This payment method is available on weekdays, at any time during the lottery agency's working hours.
Getting Started
Generate Orders
Creating a Loterica TRANSPARENT order:
POST /api/v1/order
Host: sulpayments.ch
Content-Type: "application/json"
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"
"customer": {
"name": "Customer’s full name",
"document": "111.222.333-44", # Note 1 below (required)
"email": "[email protected]", # (required)
"phone": "11999999999", # (required)
"birth": "1996-03-09" # (required)
"code": "123", # Order reference in your system (required)
"notification_url": "your_payback_notification_url.com", # Where we'll notify when status changes (required)
"value": 50.00, # (required)
"additional_info": "Some description of your order as String", # (required)
"payment_method": "pec" # (required)
The response will contain the following parameters:
"latam_id": "7c0b8129-f556-4357-bb6e-8189c2943024",
"code": "order_id_in_your_system",
"confirmation_url": "https://sulpayments.ch/7c0b8129-f556-4357-bb6e-8189c2943024", # Redirect customer to see and pay the boleto.
"qrcode_link": "https://sulpayments.ch/qrcode/7c0b8129-f556-4357-bb6e-8189c2943024" # Link to the qrcode
Business errors are returned with a 403 status code. The response will contain the following parameters:
"latam_id": "7c0b8129-f556-4357-bb6e-8189c2943024",
"message": "kyc message table below",
"code": "kyc code table below"
Code | Message |
KYC110 | Invalid CPF, please verify your date of birth and CPF number. |
KYC111 | Invalid CNPJ, please verify your CNPJ number. |
KYC112 | Different name from the federal revenue register of natural persons. |
Get PEC payment info
To get the PEC payment info, you need to send a GET request to the following endpoint:
GET /api/v1/qrcode/{latam_id}
Host: sulpayments.ch
Content-Type: "application/json"
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"
The response will contain the following parameters:
"id": "dd446b78-4ebd-438f-b923-a16d47ff2574",
"code": "the order id in your system",
"description": "100x Rubies",
"value": 10.00,
"payment_number": "16877105372"